Wednesday, June 30, 2010

You pick!

It's the season for everything you pick and pick you can!
First, there have been strawberries - I must confess we haven't made it there yet, but we were diligently on our way this morning - and Maxwell Farm is open for the season, still open in fact, given the early summer we are having, and that's fun. There are also pick your own raspberries opportunities around Portland, such as off Maple Ave in Scarborough. They just opened today for the season. They have tons of raspberries, the weather has been very favorable for them, and the trick is to figure out when they are open. If you see the sign on Maple Ave, they certainly are, but they are not open every day. So, give it a try.
You can also choose to attend a free lunch program for children 18 and under at Canal School, 11:45-12:45. Every Thursday there is a wonderful theater comedy workshop, so stop by.
Don't forget to read - Borders is still giving out a free book to everyone who has read 10 books this summer. Come to think of it, I myself will have to try pretty hard to make it 10 books - this beach weather may be conducing to reading under an umbrella but not so much if you have to keep eyes on your kid. Some things come first, :).

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