Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Gardening at Sacc

Last week was our turn to take care of the garden beds at Sacc. We weeded and we didn't water. I couldn't figure out where there was any water available. Well, maybe with netter diligence I would have shown up during possible open hours although not sure whom the school would be open for but anyway, the weather had mercy on me and the plants and it rained. A nice long rain saved us!
There is a compost bin, the fancy tumble kind, which wasn't full at all, so we put our weeds there. I assume it's safe to compost weeds if they have not started blooming yet and thus there is no danger of contaminating the compost with weed seeds, right?
Check out the pics!
And yes we biked over. Haven't done enough biking lately. Need to look into it.