Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Saccarappa Thursday Coffee talk group - all four people! - have come up and discussed an idea about connecting parents for playgroups. It's an informal way to create a stronger community - which in my opinion is seriously lacking - of parents and have kids form relationships outside school day. While there are many unknowns, some actions are about to be taken to promote the idea - including my favorite venue, the digital way - but right now, I may be the only one writing about this.
BTW, Saccarappa has had a number of events for its students and parents, such as Literacy nights, Math nights that are coming up, Unified Arts nights.
My son loved the Mad Science workshop (6 weeks of science fun) so much that he asked to sign up for the second run of the program (a different focus), and he will attend - if everything goes well. Get them thinking about science early, while there is still interest.
Other things that schools are doing around town - I know that other elementary schools (or a school) are planning gardens - which I am a strong supporter of! - and that would be a great opportunity, providing parents or guardians have time to participate. Also, Canal will likely continue its last summer's (unexpected) program of free lunches for school age kids during the week. My son and I were curious and stopped by - his taste is among the pickiest, which is a constant headache for me - and while he didn't enjoy much, most kids did. It was definitely filling. A suggestion has been to have an affordable snack for adults for sale on the premises, so that adults don't feel awkward watching everyone else eat, and could get a bite themselves. Any other program I have not listed here? It's hard planning for summer already - was very easy last Saturday! :) - while it's snowing outside. No snow accumulation is expected but temperatures for Friday look outright scary.
Have a good day!

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